Liquibase QueryDSL Metadata Generator
Liquibase QueryDSL Metadata Generator
A code generator that supports the creation of QueryDSL metamodel classes directly from Liquibase changelog files. To do that, the generator uses an embedded H2 database and an Embedded Equinox OSGi container.
The solution is part of the Everit-Persistence methodology. To get more information about the concept, check the README file of the osgi-liquibase-bundle project.
The LQMG solution should be integrated to the OSGi development tools to make it easier to use. E.g.: There is a that makes it possible to use the solution in the way, that bundles are configured automatically based on maven dependencies.
It is also possible to use the solution from the command line. To do that, download the distribution package that contains all the necessary dependencies. To get the necessary information how to use it, run the following command:
java -jar org.everit.persistence.lqmg-1.0.0.jar --help
It is possible to define special configuration fragments for each bundle and also a global configuration file. The configuration files must match the XML schema. To get more information about the XML structure, please see the lqmg-x.x.x.xml file in the META-INF folder of the jar lqmg jar file.